Sports Calendar

Monday, March 25, 2013

CO Triathlon

Central Otago Triathlon

Cromwell – Wednesday 27th March


Your child________________________ has qualified for the Central Otago Triathlon on March 27th.
We need to know if you can definitely make it so we can rearrange teams if we have to. We will car pool to get there but if your child is in the individual or biking leg they will need to organise to get their bikes there as well.
I have included a list of our kids going so you can liaise together for bikes and transport.
The distances for Cromwell are……………………
Year 5 and 6 run 1500m, Bike 4.5km, Swim 4 lengths
Year 7 and 8 Run 3000m, Bike 9km, Swim 6 Length
This Year road bikes are not allowed so mountain bikes only. However you can put “slicks” on your mountain bikes if you have them as they go faster on the road.

The yr 5 and 6’s need to be there at 9.00am for registration and briefing
The yr 7 and 8’s need to be there at 10.30am for reigistration and briefing

Bring enough snacks and food for the day and drink bottles. I will hand out school t-shirts to the runners, bikers and individuals.

Good Luck with the training!

“Go For Gold” Arrowtown!

Paul Winders
Sports Co-ordinator


Yes I am taking my child __________________ to the triathlon.

No my child ______________________ needs a lift.

Yes/No I can take ____ extras and _____ bikes

Name ________________________ Phone________________________

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